


Software Engineer, with passion for low-level concepts and underlying implementations, interested in Low-Level Engineering, System Development, Computer Graphics. Enthusiastic about rebuilding existing “round wheels” as “square” ones.

Current personal activities

  • Graphics programming with OpenGL and C++
  • Rust programming language

General Experience

  • Web application backend development in microservice architecture using Spring Boot, RabbitMQ, GraphQL, RESTful API
  • Version Control with Git
  • Docker/Docker Compose deployment
  • Gitlab CI/CD configuration
  • Comfortable with Linux systems
  • Basic TUI programs/tools development using Rust with Ratatui
  • Basic desktop application development using C++ with ImGui or Rust with egui
  • Linux loadable kernel module (LKM) development using C
  • Basics in Computer and Network Security, Database Management, Computer Graphics, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning

Work Experience

OJSC Optima Bank | Back End Developer | September 2022 - Present
Tech stack: Microservices, Java, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, RabbitMQ, REST APIs, Docker, Gitlab CI/CD, Grafana, Redis
  • Worked on project - Optima Business (OB), remote banking system for legal entities
  • Developed integral components of the OB (microservice architecture): business and validation rule engine service for payments, template-based document generation service, service for importing payments using 1C files, payment monitoring service, etc.
  • Contributed on the development and maintainment of the main payment service in OB project
  • Created PostgreSQL functions/stored procedures such as payment search with filters, pseudo-unique document number generation, etc.
  • Assisted in configuring and setting up early versions of Gitlab CI/CD processes
  • Assisted our DevOps engineer in maintaining and monitoring system infrastructure
  • Performed research works on topic of Electronic Digital Signature specifically Rutoken technology and Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol(SCEP)
FinanceSoft | Full Stack Developer | May 2022 - July 2022 (3 mth.)
Tech stack: C#, .NET Core, Typescript, Angular, MSSQL, Transact-SQL
  • Worked on projects - Loan Conveyor, Central Back Office(CBO)
  • Conducted debugging and maintenance of the existing web applications(Loan Conveyor, CBO)
  • Implemented and added new components and features to a new conveyor for a new client according to the project requirements(Loan Conveyor)
  • Performed updates of the test servers with the new project versions
National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan | Engineer in Institute of Automatics and IT | December 2019 - May 2020 (6 mth.)
Tech stack: C/C++ with Arduino, Mosquitto, Telegraf, InfluxDB, Docker
  • Worked on the project of developing a prototype of air pollution monitoring system for Bishkek
  • Conducted market research on transceivers and sensor devices
  • Implemented early version of data management architecture using Mosquitto, Telegraf, InfluxDB, Grafana and Docker technologies
  • Implemented basic mesh network using NodeMCU devices (with ESP8266 WiFi chips) to transmit data between nodes and store it in database


Sapienza University of Rome
2020 - 2022 (Not Completed)
MS in Engineering in Computer Science
American University of Central Asia
2016 - 2020
BA in Software Engineering